Years rush by

Once studies conclude and one is trying to get a full-time job without a contract ending pending, one does feel better.

So I this me hopefully taking up the habit of blogging again….we will see how that goes!

Taking in Energy

While we spend your mental energy on a daily basis, we often do little to replenish our inner resources.

Since I have been working a lot on my thesis I realized first hand how exhausting it can be to have a daily To-Do-List that excells at being long, energy-consuming and most of all doesn’t  seem to shrink.

Partly because some of the daily tasks are repetitive, and a lot of people (including me) tend to get bored and exhausted by too much repitition.

To make things easier I started to use colours when checking of diffrent points on my To-Do-List.
Here you can use colours as you please: either diffrent areas get diffrent colours, or diffrent days get diffrent colours, or depending whether you are doing stuff with others another colour for each individual!

But seriously how to replenish now your inner energy resources?

For me a hot bath with nice music is super relaxxing for tense muscle groups!

But there are other things to for a litte self-care me time:
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea without doing anything parallel. Sounds for some really hard not to check parallel the internet/messages/push notifications on your cell.

Re-read a good book that you haven’t read in a while. It takes a lot of the tension that you know the ending, but instead you  can focus on lovely details in your chosen book! (And another plus is that you are resting your eyes a little of all the blue light coming off screens)

For more suggestions you can also google self-care lists….they are our there!

I wish you a very productive day after your little breaks! =)

Mein Pinterest

Ein Zeitfresser?

Ein Ideensammler?

Eine Pinnwand nach der Anderen die sich eh keiner ansieht?

Wie viele „Soziale Netzwerke“ haben sie alle eins gemeimsam: Man postet oder Re-postet was einen Anspricht, durch den Kopf geht oder es handelt sich einfach nur um blindes Teilen der eigenen Kreationen.

Ich bin keineswegs anders.

Auch ich habe einen Account. Pinnwände. Follower.

Doch Pins ausprobieren? Mache ich selten beziehungsweise so gut wie nie.

Warum also halten Soziale Netzwerke einen so in ihrem Bann?

What is creativity for?

Did humanity invent creativity as a coping mechanism to deal with the bearings of daily life?

Is that why so many individuals choose to be artistic?

Whether it is writing a blog, novel or some other writing form, working with wood or stone, paint or play an instrument….the possibilities seem like a lot!

Why do depressed people not see the possibilities?

It seems like creativity also helps fighting symptoms of depression which would underpin the assumption of creativity as a coping mechanism for humans.

Handlettering Obsession!

It has been some time since I’ve written something and here is one of the reasons why:
I have been recently a little bit obsessed by this new hobby of mine – handlettering.

First of: What ist handlettering? Basically the hand sketched design of letters on any given object.
And I mean litterally any object….whether it is a glas jar, a wooden box, paper, vegetables, a mug and so on.

At first I have been trying handlettering on paper and on a porcellain mug.
Ever since then I am using it on all kinds of stuff: Labeling, Presents, Cards….

Since there is a variety of pens to chose from, I have been trying out a few.
My newest approach on handlettering will include brush pens and blending.

Pictures will follow!

Hallo Welt!

Dies ist der aller erste Beitrag (*yeay*) in einer hoffentlich langen Serie von Beiträgen…
Zuerst ein mal wollte ich erklären, für all jene, die das Brain-Attic-Prinzip nicht kennen, was es damit auf sich hat.

Brain  = Englisch für Gehirn
Attic   = Englisch für Dachboden

Unser Gehirn ist ein faszinierendes Organ. Ganz ohne unser Zutun kontrolliert es verschiedenste Körperfunktionen, die essentiell für unser Dasein sind.
Doch darum geht es beim Brain Attic nicht.
Vielmehr geht es um Erinnerungen und Wege diese Abzulegen bzw. Gedanken oder Konzepte, die wie alte Klamotten verpackt in Kisten auf dem Dachboden lagern, sodass man immer weiss man hat Zugriff darauf wann immer man ihn benötigt.
Genauso möchte ich hier in meinem Blog Gedanken aber auch kreative Projekte ordnen. Und praktischerweise gleich noch publizieren, sodass auch andere an meinen Gedanken teilhaben können. =)